Nye GIK kombo diffusorer og absorbenter installert i Valhall (hovedkinorommet)! Denne avrundene saken bygger 60x120x10cm (B/H/D) og passer dermed inn på mang en bak- eller sidevegg. Platen diffuserer svært effektivt ihht polysylindriske prinsipper, og i tillegg slipper den gjennom lavere frekvenser og fungerer dermed som en akustikkplate / bassfelle ned til 80Hz. Det faktum at den diffuserer og ikke absorberer toppfrekvensene gjør at en slipper at rommet låter “stutt”, noe en risikerer spesielt om absorbentene plasseres nærme lytteposisjonen. Vi har tatt noen korte lytterunder og hører at disse platene virkelig gjør en forskjell, og nå skal vi snart opp med nye Skyline-plater i taket slik at vi virkelig kan få åpnet opp lydrommet og dermed få enda mer ut av vårt nylig installerte Alcons CRMSC-system. Velkommen på demo!
NYHET! GIKs nye Poly Diffusor fungerer både som bassfelle / absorbent (fra 80Hz og opp) og diffusor (fra 600Hz og opp)! Den avrundene former egner seg glimrende for bredbåndet diffusjon langt ned i frekvensregisteret, mens den perforerte overflaten behandler dype frekvenser helt ned i bassfellenivå. Egner seg både til bakvegg, sidevegg og i hjørner.
Informasjon fra produsent
Poly Diffusor
The GIK Acoustics Evolution PolyFusor© is a combination of a polycylindrical diffusor and an absorber merged into a single unit. Polycylindrical diffusors, or polyfusors, are known for their excellent dispersion characteristics over a very wide range. The curved front plate allows for virtually perfect spatial diffusion, while letting lower frequency waves pass through to the cavity of absorption behind.
Poly diffusors are known for their excellent dispersion characteristics
- Standard dimensions: 48″ tall and 24″ across
- Very visually attractive with a narrow 5.25″ profile that hugs the walls
- Standard weight: 20 lbs
- Virtually a perfect spatial diffusor
- Thin wood poly lets low frequency waves in for low end absorption
- Ideal on the front wall or rear wall of control rooms, or on the rear sidewalls
- Ideal basically anywhere in a live/recording room
- Similar to bass traps, can straddle corners for enhanced low frequency absorption
- Can be wall mounted, free standing or stacked
- Can be custom sized to fit your specifications
- Class A fire rated – Click HERE for Fire Rating test results
- Available in our 9 standard, quality GIK Acoustics fabric options
- Additional Guilford of Maine fabric choices available
employs ECOSE® technology absorption material and is manufactured with LEED certified Columbia Forest Products (made in the USA)
formaldehyde-free technology
The Evolution PolyFusor© is an attractive choice for a room where mid and high frequency chaos needs to be controlled but not removed. In a control room, the Evolution PolyFusor© can be used on the front and back walls, and rear sidewalls to keep the reverberation better mixed. In home theater and two-channel audio rooms, the Evolution PolyFusor© can be utilized on the rear or sidewalls, or behind dipole speakers, to round off sharp reflections. The Evolution PolyFusor© is also right at home anywhere in a tracking room or other large spaces, helping spread out the energy evenly across the whole room. Similar to our bass traps, the Evolution PolyFusor© can be used in corners for enhanced low frequency absorption.
The Evolution PolyFusor© smoothly transitions as a bass trap from 80Hz, to upper-bass/lower-mid scattering device, to diffusor. Starts diffusing at 600Hz.
The Evolution PolyFusor© provides a great mix of absorption and diffusion capabilities. Polyfusors offer a wider band of spatial diffusion than a typical quadratic residue diffusor, but do not affect the phase of the incident sound. Thus the Evolution PolyFusor© is best suited to spreading mid and high frequencies out in a room.
The Evolution PolyFusor© is constructed with a rigid base frame and curved front plate, and filled with absorption. We wrap the unit up in your choice of fabric, and level off the top and bottom with black or white caps for a clean finish.
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