SKU: Flexiglue_Ultra
Meget effektivt lim som lar deg montere plater både på vegg og direkte i himlingen uten å måtte støtte opp platen. Ved montering i himling bør rikelig med lim benyttes, typisk én tube per to 60x60cm plater.
249,- inkl. mva

81 på lager


Kraftig akustikklim for alle typer akustikkplater. Hefter umiddelbart om du limer f.eks. Vicoustics DC3-paneler i himlingen. Vi anbefaler bruk av rikelig mengde for god heft, beregn rundt 1 tube per 2stk 60×60-paneler for montering i himling, mens du normalt kan klare deg med 1 tube per 3stk 60×60-paneler på vegg.

Vicoustic’s Flexi Glue Ultra is designed for use with a variety of materials. Its chemical composition is non aggressive, and therefore certified in accordance with the most recent European legislation, allowing Flexi Glue Ultra to be used in any environment. Flexi Glue Ultra is also perfect for use with polyurethane (foam) or polystyrene (EPS) Vicoustic solutions, ensuring their correct and safe application to a room’s surfaces. Flexi Glue Ultra was designed in collaboration with leading chemical industry professionals. Testing has revealed excellent strength and versatility when applied to a range of materials.

Preparation: The surfaces to be bonded must be dry, clean and free of dust and grease.

Bonding: Apply the adhesive evenly with hand or pressure guns on the surfaces to be bonded. Join them immediately. The layer thickness depends on the consistency of the materials to be bonded. Unilateral application is possible. In this case, join the parts before formation of a skin on the surface of the adhesive layer. Press well. Make sure that both surfaces are well wetted.

  • Main Info

    • Dimensions: 1 Tube – 290ml


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