Mega Bass Traps i Vicoustics toppserie VMP, inkludert kanter i aluminium. Inkluderer braketter for montering på vegg uten bruk av lim. Fellene har en høyde på hele 179cm, og gir dermed svært god dekning. Passer godt med Cinema VMT kit for tak og vegger, samt Vicoustic DC3 diffusorer.
NB! Disse pris gjelder pr. stk.
The VicCinema VMT Kit is an acoustic kit developed to maximize the acoustic conditions of a Home Cinema. The kit is available in two options: a kit with products for installation on walls and ceilings and a bass trap kit for corners. Depending on the size of your room, or the performance you want to achieve, by acquiring one or more of these kits you will be able to achieve the main goal of a Home Cinema: a neutral acoustic environment, that assures a clear and complete film audio experience without introducing any acoustic distortions that can compromise its perception.
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