GIK 244 Bassfelle Sort Full Range 120x60x10cm (H/B/D) 1stk

SKU: 244_black_fullrange
3 299,- inkl. mva

3 er forventet inn 15-03-2025

250 × 10 × 10 cm

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NYHET! GIKs patentsøkte “Flexrange”-teknologi (Range Limiter) løser langt på vei en av de mest utfordrende problemene knyttet til absorbsjon; overdemping! GIK legger inn en film som rett og slett reflekterer høyfrekvente bølger, mens de lengre mellomtone- og bassbølgene får passere. Som du ser lenger ned på siden er resultatet langt mindre demping i diskantområdet. Dette prinsippet er sterkt anbefalt om du skal dempe bassrefleksjon rundt og i nærheten av lytteposisjon.


  • GIK FlexRange Technology Logopatent pending FlexRange Technology options
    • LEVERES MED: FULL RANGE (dvs. uten filter)


  • professionally constructed  two-frame system and built-in air gap
  • easy wall and corner installation using wire integrated in the back like a picture frame
  • 118mm thick and available in three different sizes: 600mm x 1200mm, 600mm x 600mm, and 300mm x 1200mm.
  • weight: FULL RANGE = 5.6 kg  |  RANGE LIMITER = 7.6 kg
  • optional built-in Scatter Plate for an even balance of absorption, diffusion, and scattering
  • free standing options available with wooden or metal stands or boom stand brackets (boom stand not included)
  • easy to install on ceiling with optional Cloud Mounting Bracket
  • can be custom sized to fit your specifications
  • available in our 9 standard, quality GIK Acoustics fabric options
  • additional Camira Cara or Camira Lucia fabric choices available
  •  employs ECOSE® technology absorption material.

The GIK Acoustics 244 Bass Trap with FlexRange Technology utilizes our patent pending design to maximize low end control.

Simulated sound waves strike the FRT Membrane

Simulated sound waves strike the FRT Membrane

When combined with our proprietary RANGE LIMITER membrane system, the 244 Bass Trap with FlexRange Technology  absorbs up to 50% more low end (below 60Hz) and retains 75% more high end (from 400Hz and above) versus the broadband FULL RANGE option.

Compared to other commercially available products which are simple, fabric-wrapped, DIY-type panels, the 244 Bass Trap with FlexRange Technology is precision engineered and manufactured to exacting standards.  We begin with a two-frame system that allows low end to be absorbed from the sides and back while the professionally constructed frame maintains a crisp, sharp edge.  GIK Acoustics uses high-quality fabrics as our standard options as opposed to cheap burlap or microsuede.

GIK Acoustics 244 bass traps in living roomThe 244 Bass Trap with FlexRange Technology hangs truly flush on the wall using an integrated wire on the back and can easily be mounted straddling corners (recommended) or as a cloud on the ceiling.  The design of the 244 Bass Trap with FlexRange Technology allows it to be used in multiple quantities to absorb as much bass as possible without over absorbing the high end, which leaves life inside the room. Cymbals are crisp and clear while bass kicks!

Mer om Flexrange:

FlexRange Technology is GIK Acoustics’ unique, patent pending system for providing the best in bass trapping and low end absorption.  Backed by research, development and testing, FlexRange Technology encompasses our proprietary bass trap design while offering customers a true choice to control the frequency range that’s absorbed.  Without a membrane, bass traps are broadband.  With a membrane, bass traps absorb even lower frequencies while the membrane has less effect absorbing upper frequencies.

  • FULL RANGE – The Full Range option is broadband in nature maximizing low end and upper frequencies to give a true broadband range of absorption. Full Range is an excellent option at controlling low end frequencies and is the preferred choice for early reflection points or when upper frequencies need 100% absorption.
  • RANGE LIMITER – The second option has a built-in frequency range limiter. This option includes a membrane system which starts absorbing at a lower frequency but also has a cut off starting around 400Hz. Using the Range Limiter option ensures maximum low end absorption while retaining nearly 100% of the upper frequencies within your room. Ideally used when no upper frequency absorption is required/desired. The Range Limiter option is an ideal solution to make a small room sound larger, keeping life within the room.

Simulated sound waves strike the front FlexRange Technology

Simulated sound waves strike the front FlexRange Technology

FlexRange Technology Test Results GIK Acoustics 244 Bass Traps with FlexRange Technology – Full Range    GIK Acoustics 244 Bass Traps with FlexRange Technology – Range Limiter   GIK Acoustic Panels are tested and certified by the Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories (RAL) Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method ASTM C 423-02/NVLAP 08/P03 GIK Acoustics panels submitted to two standard acoustic test methods: ASTM “A” and “J” testing. For “A” testing the acoustic panels are placed all together flat against a surface and tested. “A” testing is the standardized testing method for the manufacturing industry. “J” testing simulates the recommended mounting of the product by the manufacturer. GIK tested two set-ups: 1) panels straddled in corners 2) panels spaced off the wall and mounted on stands. To our knowledge GIK Acoustics is the only company to provide data on both testing methods. Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories (RAL)TM has been accredited under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) administers the NVLAP program. NVLAP is comprised of a series of laboratory accreditation programs, which includes specific calibration and/or test standards and related methods and protocols assembled to satisfy the unique needs for accreditation in the fields of testing or calibration. NVLAP accredits public and private laboratories based on evaluation of their technical qualifications and competency to carry out specific calibration or tests. Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories (RAL)TM test methods adhere to ASTM standards. Formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International provides standards that are accepted and used in research and development, product testing, quality systems, and commercial transactions around the globe.


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